It’s the end of 2019, and time for a reminder that the Freinds of the Sandy River Delta is a non-profit consisting of a small and committed group of volunteers that help keep the Delta a great place to visit for all users.

We’re the people who provide the poop cans, and do the hauling, we’re your trail crew, and we’re your source of information with respect to the other committed organizations involved at the Delta.

All our work is done with the help of donated and tax deductible funds [501(c)(3)] from visitors like you.  100% of your funds go to user related projects at the Delta, largely to trail maintenance, but also to education and other user oriented activities.

Though there are numerous partners involved at the Delta (Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Sandy River Watershed Council, Friends of Trees, Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership…), we are the only group focused on recreational use, and the users of the Delta.

If you want to do more than donate, please see our volunteer needs.  We would like to get far more people involved than the small number of dedicated people we currently have.

To contribute, please click the “Donate” button here or at the upper right

If you would prefer to donate by other means, please contact us by email at or click Contact above.

This year we have been gifted a photo book created by a Delta Visitor.  We will be choosing a name from all that have donated in 2019 to send this to.

A preview can be found at:

Though we are a registered 501(c)(3) organization, we are just now filing for a “Letter of Determination” from the IRS.  This is requiring an expenditure of money, but this will facilitate matching donations from participating employers as we will be able to register through GuideStar.  (We have been asked about this for numerous years, and though we apologize for the late start, we hope to have this submitted by the end of the year.  Approval timeline is not yet known.)


Friends of the Sandy River Delta

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