We began around 2005 with a few individuals interested in recreational access to the Delta. Starting small (removing barbed wire and picking up trash), we have since defined, built, and maintained trails, managed “waste,” and worked with the Forest Service on behalf of Delta users.
Since then, visits to the Delta have steadily increased, but our volunteer numbers have not. We’re looking to grow our numbers of volunteers who help to keep the Delta accessible and enjoyable, and to help inform the many new users.
Of course, we want the participation of dog owners, but also equestrians, cyclists, birders, and any other users that feel connected to the Delta.
Outlined below are categories of volunteer help we can use. Please review the options, decide what you think you can commit to, and let us know! (Of course, they are guidelines, can easily be tailored for your availability, and can easily overlap.)
We are open to other ideas as well, particularly if you would like to help with social media.
Remember, the more we users care for the Delta, the less effort it takes, and the more we ensure continued access.
If you want to participate, or even help organize volunteers please contact us.
Trash Can Crew
Trail Sweeps
Parking Lot Pickup
Bag Dispensers
Bird Blind Maintenance
Work Parties
Task: This is our most critical, and most demanding volunteer task. You will have gate access to unload the the garbage cans and haul the contents to the dumpster in the parking lot. This is a one person activity but you can certainly bring a friend! Currently, these volunteers will also refill the dog bag dispensers.
You’ll Need: A Truck – Preferable all wheel drive, or something with external carrying capacity (you don’t want this stuff inside).
Commitment: HIGHEST! Need to commit to a schedule.
When: Weekly, summers may require additional runs.
Other Stuff: We currently have 4 volunteers here. More volunteers will lessen the commitment for others and help with heavy summer usage.
How Many: Would like 2 – 4 additional drivers.
Task: The best means we have of ensuring continued access is to “self-manage” effectively. By example and conversation, we can have a positive influence on behavior. Stewards will remind dog walkers to use leashes in the parking lot, and the Confluence Trail, point out the garbage cans, and offer bags as needed. They will promote responsible use and respect for all users. Stewards should be aware of the history of the Delta, how it became a public venue, and the close work with the Forest Service as the site developed. Awareness of the FSRD’s cooperation with other organizations (The Confluence Project, Sandy River Basin Watershed Council, Friends of Trees, Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership) is also desired.
You’ll Need: Good social skills, willingness to approach and talk to other users conversationally as needed.
Commitment: MODERATE This would be an unscheduled role. Sufficient participation would allow Stewards to visit the Delta on their own time.
When: For effective self management and with enough participation Stewards could be a nearly a full time presence, as such this won’t be a scheduled activity.
Other Stuff: Given interest, we could determine a method of identification for stewards (pins, bandannas, collars etc.).
How Many: Would like ~50 individuals.
Task: Not all users are as responsible as we wish, so we can always use help keep the trails, meadows, and beach areas clean by picking up trash and waste left behind by others.
You’ll Get: Access to locker to access trash bags, and dog bags. Access to dumpster.
Commitment: MODERATE This would be an unscheduled role. Enough participation to provide a trail sweep every couple of days would more than likely be sufficient.
When: Weekly or better. Depending on participation, this can be divided by area or trails. This will not be a scheduled activity, but a “while you’re there” activity.
Other Stuff: The Delta is surprisingly clean considering the usage, unfortunately there will always be those who don’t “bag it”. Also, there are cans, coffee cups, fishing bait and other items that occasionally are left. Having volunteers regularly sweep the area will help set an example.
How Many We’d Like: Would like 10-20 volunteers.
Task: Help keep the Parking Lot in order and clean. Pick up trash and dog waste around perimeter, cover entry into Boundary and Confluence trails and near Corral. We would consider this separate from Trail Sweeps but individuals can choose to cover both.
You’ll Get: Access to locker to access trash bags, and dog bags. Access to dumpster.
Commitment: MODERATE This would be an unscheduled role. Enough participation for parking lot cleanups once or twice a week would more than likely be sufficient.
When: Weekly or better. This will not be a scheduled activity, but a “while you’re there” activity.
Other Stuff: The “close in” areas (parking lot, trail heads, corral) are prone to collect dog waste and debris, and unfortunately not everyone takes advantage of the nearby cans. This is the first impression of the Delta, and a clean area may prompt others to stay clean. Regular attention to this area will be appreciated by all.
How Many We’d Like: Would like 10-20 volunteers.
Task: Ensure Dogi-Pot bag dispensers located at each trailhead are filled. (The dispensers will be refilled Saturday mornings by the trash crew.) Mostly used rolls should be replaced with new rolls. Partial rolls should be collected and used for mid-week top-offs, or recycled into full rolls (need a system for this).
You’ll Get: Access to on-site supply locker.
Commitment: MODERATE Currently, the “trash patrol” fill the dispensers, and will continue to do so. This volunteer group will spot check the dispensers, and refill if needed.
When: Dispensers should be checked midweek, and refilled as needed for an adequate supply to last until weekend restocking.
Other Stuff: This is critical to keeping the Delta clean. A few volunteers can really help ensure bags are available, especially important through the busy seasons (Spring – Fall).
How Many We’d Like: Would like 3-5.
Task: Help maintain the Confluence Project Birdblind – Cleaning and light maintenance. As part of our partnership, we occasionally will help clean leaves and other debris from the Bird Blind.
Commitment: MINIMAL This does not have to occur regularly, and can be as infrequent as once per month.
When: Monthly (TBD)
Other Stuff: This task will assist our partnering organization, the Confluence Project. Role and tasks can be determined in coordination with the CP’s desires and needs. Minimally cleaning leaves and debris from between slats, performing light maintenance (supply dependent), Reporting problems and issues.
How Many We’d Like: Indeterminate at this point. Possibly 3-5.
Task: Our work parties are defined and scheduled as needs arise, and as funds allow. They include Trail Maintenance (resurfacing and clearing). Occasionally barbed wire removal as it’s uncovered. Assisting volunteer events hosted by others (Friends of Trees, Sandy River Basin Watershed Council), Trash cleanup events (cleanup abandoned transient camps after sweeps).
You’ll Need: Being work parties (but not without some fun), you’ll generally need good sturdy clothing (gloves, boots) We usually only work half days .
Commitment: MODERATE Our work parties are not regularly scheduled events. Sometimes once per quarter, sometimes less. Notices are sent through our Yahoo! group server, or through a separate email list we keep (click contact to request to be added to this list).
Other Stuff: Regular work parties have diminished in frequency, Initially Monthly. We often can use 7-12 people for the larger events. These events will be posted on the website and/or notifications sent out by email for those who agree to be added to an email list.
How Many We’d Like: Dependent on tasks.