Fee implementation beginning 1/21/2020.  See Forest Service (CRGNSA) press release here.

Though the Delta was not initially intended to become a fee-use site, the ever increasing number of visitors led the Forest Service to propose a fee for parking.  This was originally proposed mid 2017, and public meetings and a public comment period was held.  Most comments received were in support, and we (FSRD) were in favor.

The day parking fee for a single visit will $5, though interagency and annual passes will be honored as listed below.

The fees collected will earmark some funding for the Delta, and will be required to be applied to recreation.  This should help facilitate our trail work, trash can maintenance, and other activities we support at the Delta. 

Many passes that users likely already purchase will be valid, including the Northwest Forest Pass which many are familiar with.  In addition, the Forest Service will be piloting a Digital Recreation Day Pass which will allow on-site payment and registration by vehicle license plate.  This will eliminate the need for a fee collection box, and will facilitate obtaining a pass without a special trip.

In addition to the Northwest Forest Pass, the following interagency passes will be honored (See all valid passes here)  These passes will need to be displayed on the vehicle (dashboard):


Full Press Release Here


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