60 Tons of Stone…

 What a day

Well, we completed all the work for the weekend, and would you believe we spread 60 tons of 1/4 minus gravel on three trails.

On Saturday, we completed the Beach Trail (see previous post).  Sunday with a smaller crew (Barb, Dave, Priscilla, and myself), we spread half as much stone to repair the Meadow Trail as it enters the large open meadow North of the Parking lot.

Wanting to finish the job, and losing another shoveler, Dave, Barb and I finished the job we had targeted on the Boundary Trail.  As Barb talked to visitors, and detoured hikers so we wouldn’t have to worry about the tractor, we lifted the turnpike logs to raise the trail (hopefully keeping it above water next winter), then Dave ran the tractor, and I spread the gravel.  It ended up being over 6 1/2 hours of work in total, on a plenty warm afternoon once the sun came out.

Again, thanks to those who donated which helped us purchase the stone.


Priscilla, Barb, and the ever present Niko and our frame working on the Meadow Trail.  (We use a frame to lay down a narrow path – it extends the length of trail we can cover given a limited amount of stone.)


Dave lifting the turnpike logs to raise the trail a few inches.


We couldn’t do much of our trail work if it wasn’t for the Oregon Equestrian Trails volunteer members of FSRD (and their tractor).


Shadow and his parents, the first to walk on the new trail.

One response to “60 Tons of Stone…”

  1. Mary Avatar

    You guys are awesome! Thanks so much for your hard work! It’s very much appreciated.

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