Finished work on Beach Trail
Today we completed laying stone along ~600 feet of the beach trail from 1000 Acres Road. We thank all the visitors that found their way around us to the beach while we were working. (with the tractor running back and forth, the last thing we wanted was someones dog getting hurt.)
Normally, we’re able to do this work when things are still a little wet. That helps the stone compact quicker. As it is, we laid down a path about 2 feet wide. Please walk on this to compact it, and set it. It will spread a bit, but should provide a good surface when things get wet again.
Tomorrow (June 8th) we’ll be filling in low spots along the Boundary Trail, and the Meadow Trail.
Thanks to those of you who donated in the past allowing us to buy the stone. And thanks to Knife River for supplying the stone on short notice.
We also managed to clean up an abandoned transient camp that was just off the trail. It looked like it wasn’t used long, so the cleanup was quick.
For those interested in helping out in the future, please contact us or join our Yahoo Discussion Group where we post work party notices We anticipate some more trail work, some barbed wire removal projects, and also some occasional transient camp cleanups.
Tony, Priscilla, Harold and Alan spreading stone
Alan, Harold, Dave (on the Tractor), Tony and Priscilla nearing the end of the trail.
Niko Approves
Dave and Harold (and Roxy) hauling some of the camp debris
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