An update on BPA’s Tower Work forwarded from the Forest Service.

Anyone out at the delta during the listed dates should be aware of equipment
using the road, and keep themselves and their animals a safe distance from any

BPA will be starting the tower replacement this week. They will operate from
Wed-Saturday on the 13 -16th and 20-23rd. They apparently need to work on Sat
to allow the concrete to cure. Heavy equipment will be used for working on the
tower footings and will be using the 1000 Acres road for access so we are
encouraging recreationist avoid the construction area and road. A map of the
work area is being developed by BPA. We may implement an official closure order
of the Dike Road and construction area to provide for public safety.


Work Activities will include construction traffic along roads and in BPA’s rights-of-way on Sundial Island, and work in and around the towers highlighted in yellow that will be relocated as.

BPA Tower Relocation Work Overview

  • On March 1, BPA contract crews will begin work on the initial phases of the tower relocation project on Sundial Island.
  • The work schedule after March 1st is based on need to move between transmission towers and work sites; we can presume work will occur during working hours.  (read weekday business hours).
  • Once construction begins, access will be restricted to 400 feet away from the work sites and towers.
  • User-created trails will be blocked off by the BPA contract crews alongside the west channel of the Sandy River near relocated towers.
  • No dam road closure requested; mixed use would be allowable across the dam access road during the entire construction schedule and BPA’s use will be intermittent.

Link to Work Diagram PDF

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