The Forest Service has published their Consistency Determination for the Sandy River Delta Restoration and Dam Removal Project.  The notice is below.


Dear Interested Parties:

The Forest Service has made a determination of consistency with the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (CRGNSA) Management Plan and Scenic Area Act for the Sandy River Delta Section 536 Ecosystem Restoration Project.

This is an Army Corps of Engineers Portland District Corps (Corps) project located in the Sandy River Delta to remove the East Channel Dam and restore flow to the East Channel of the Sandy River.   You have received this notification because you are a known interested party or because you have requested or are entitled to this notice pursuant to the Scenic Area Act.

The consistency determination is enclosed and is also provided for you online at the following address:

Look for:  Sandy River Delta Restoration Project, CD-12-10-S

If you have any questions about this project, the notification process, or would like to receive the project application in the mail, please contact Lynn Oliver at (541) 308-1716 or


You can also find the document at the SRD Yahoo! group page

 Click on Files > Dam Removal > FS Consistency Determination > SRD_CD1210S_032913.pdf

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