**Note, please follow our facebook page for more timely updates:

Update 9/23/2017:

3;30 PM:  I-84 is now OPEN according to local Media.

I-84 Eastbound remains closed, with indications that it may open on Sunday.  Access to the Delta remains indirect.

Update 9/18/2017:

Effective immediately, ALL evacuation orders in Multnomah County have been lifted, which includes the Delta. 

Status of I-84 Eastbound presumed to still be closed.  Access to Delta will be indirect.

Eagle Creek Fire information here:

Update 9/13/2017 AM:

11:43 AM: Troutdale East of the Sandy River is still under Level 2 evacuation notice. Delta should still be considered “Closed”

Weather forecast is now significantly cooler, and gusty winds are no longer predicted. 
Message as of yesterday that local restrictions will be lifted “soon”.

Update 9/12/2017 AM:

We will be contacting Fire Command today, but glancing at the weather forecast we don’t expect any change with respect to the Delta.

Temperatures are moderate, with up to 10 mph West winds in the West end of the Gorge, but gusting above 20 mph deeper in the gorge.

This forecast shouldn’t result in any increased threat in the Delta, but it will further tax the fire crews. The Delta will still be considered closed.

Update 9/11/2017 PM:


No new updates from Fire Command, but with a Northeast wind predicted overnight, another 80 degree day expected tomorrow (with a shift to a West wind), and a visible plume of smoke tonight (see photo), we anticipate no changes for tomorrow.

Update 9/10/2017 AM:

There is no status change at the Delta. The area is still under a Level 2 evacuation notice, and with a dry warm day, we don’t expect this to change.

It is our understanding that people are walking into the Delta, but we don’t recommend this. This puts an undue burden on the Fire Control Center.

Please respect the people working the fire management and plan your outings elsewhere.


Update 9/7/2017 1:30 pm:

We have just been informed that per the County, access conditions, and Level 2 evacuation criteria, the Delta is still effectively closed.


Update 9/7/2017:

The Delta is open for use.
The report from the Forest Service morning briefing is that the Delta is no longer under consideration for closure.
Note, that this remains subject to change as conditions warrant and It goes without saying, that visitors should remain observant and careful.

All,  Due to the spreading of the Eagle Creek fire, the Forest Service has decided to include the Delta in the closure.  We haven’t been notified of the actual effectivity, but due to the nature of the fire, we should all assume it is effective immediately.

We will update this post as we receive more information, and will also update our facebook page .


Update 9/6/2017:

The official fire closure order is in process of being implemented.
The current threat to the Delta is considered minimal due to shift in wind direction, but closure will still include the Delta for obvious safety and protection purposes.

One response to “Fire Closure Status- evacuations lifted for Mult. Co.- Sandy River Delta Open – I-84 E Now Open”

  1. Missy Dolan Avatar
    Missy Dolan

    This a.m. about 8:00 a friend and I walked exit 17 and went down the gaited road that says “dogs on leash”. When we arrived at the lookout to the river below we noticed that someone had tried to start a fire on the beach. Not a small fire, they used logs and actually ignited a 25′ fallen tree that was charred about 4′ in the middle where it sat on smaller logs. I took a pic but don’t know how to attach.

    Anyway, there are people that appear to be living under the 84 fwy between exit 17 & 18 in tents. Of course there are people in tents at 17 most days as well. We have been trying to pick up their trash but it’s difficult having to take it home, our barrels are full of OPT now.

    Who should we call about the fires being started on the beach? Thanks, Missy

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