Continue reading →: Spring Restoration Work and Spraying Schedule
Restoration Work at the Delta Hello Delta Users. Spring is here, and some of the restoration work at the delta will involve spraying. Below is a list of approximate dates, and work that will be done including the treatments to be applied. A map indicating the zones corresponding to the…
Continue reading →: Lost Dog at the Delta
We’ve had a report of a lost dog at the Delta. The Boston Terrier has been spotted at times running along the freeway. If anyone sees this dog, Rocco, please help to retrieve him. Craigslist posting here for more info: http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/laf/5428275861.html
Continue reading →: Tree Clearing over the Holidays
Posts are better late than never… As everyone knows, there can be some pretty good winds at the Delta. And, with an abundance of cottonwood trees, there will always be some trees to clear off of trails. Though it took some saw maintenance, we eventually got the largest one cleared…
Continue reading →: Volunteer Tree Planting Event – February 6th 8:45 AM
There will be a volunteer tree planting event sponsored (with our participation) by the Friends of Trees and the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council on February 6th, from 8:45 – 12:00 noon. For more information, please click here for the Friends of Trees calendar and find the Sandy River Delta event for…
Continue reading →: ‘Tis the (Tax Deductible) Donation Season
Hi Delta Users, It’s that time of year that we ask people to give a little to help us continue. We are a small organization, and we rely on donations to support what we do to keep the Delta usable. As you know, we are the people who manage the dog-waste…
Continue reading →: With Winter, Comes Downed Trees
As we can expect, a recreation site in the Columbia Gorge gets a good deal of wind as the seasons change. We managed to get out to clear some large trees along the access roads so we can do our garbage runs, but we haven’t surveyed all the trails. Though…
Continue reading →: Tree Planting Volunteer Event November 7th
It’s the time of year to help with restoration projects at the Delta. On November 7th, 9am – 1pm, The Friends of Trees together with the FSRD and the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council will be hosting the first tree planting event of the season. If you’re interested in participating,…
Continue reading →: Hootenanny! Sunday September 20th in the AM!
Come join us next weekend for our annual Sandy River Delta Partners HOOTENANNY!!! What’s a Hootenanny? A social gathering, an opportunity to meet some of the people making the Delta, a chance to find out how to help… Well, that’s what our Hootenanny is. We’ll be set up near the…
Continue reading →: Puppies and Ponies at the Delta, Saturday, June 20th
Come meet our Equestrian Visitors At the Delta this weekend (June 20th) is our somewhat regular “Puppies and Ponies at the Sandy River Delta” This “Meet a Horse” event is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. What will we be doing? Providing education for Delta users with dogs on “How…
Continue reading →: Walt Morey Middle School Confluence Event, May 16th
Saturday, May16th 10:30 – 12:00 Walt Morey Middle School will be unveiling of a Mural and other art inspired by the Confluence Project, and with tie-ins to the Sandy River Delta. If you are a user of the Delta , you are enthusiastically invited to attend to see how other communities…