Continue reading →: Delta Vistors Threatened with Knife!
This morning KGW TV has reported that there was a couple threatened with a knife apparently after an encounter between their dogs. The incident occurred early in the morning starting with a “bad” interaction between the couples dogs, and the individual of concern. Events escalated into an argument where the…
Continue reading →: Friends of Trees Planting Event Saturday April 18th
There will be another weekend volunteer tree planting event sponsored by the Friends of Trees this coming Saturday at the Delta. With the expected nice weather, expect the area to be exceptionally crowded. Also, note that we will be finishing up some trail work as well. For more information, please…
Continue reading →: Just a little more – Volunteer With Us – Trail Work – Saturday, April 18th – 9:45 AM
Come help us finish the Channel Trail… Come join us on Saturday, April 18th at 9:45 AM to finish the Old Channel trail work we started on Feb 28th. We’ll meet at the first gate at 1000 Acres Road. for a short day, we’ve already spread most of the stone, and…
Continue reading →: Weekday Tree Planting Events – Wed, 3/18 and Thurs, 4/2
Just a heads up for those lucky enough to be able to visit the Delta on weekdays, There will be two tree planting parties lead by Friends of Trees on the following dates. These are private planting groups, so we’re not looking for volunteers, but please be aware that there…
Continue reading →: **CANCELLED** Trail Work Volunteer Work Party – March 15 – 9:00 AM **CANCELLED**
Due to predicted heavy rains, we are cancelling Sunday’s work party. (It’s miserable working in heavy rain, and the tractor may do more trail damage than we are tying to prevent.) Stay tuned for a rain date update… Come join us on Sunday, March 15 at 9:00 AM to…
Continue reading →: Volunteer for some trail work with us Saturday February 28th
We’d like some help during a trail work event. Next Saturday, February 28th, we will be laying down stone along the Old Channel Trail, between the Powerlines and 1000 Acres Road. The help is needed in smoothing and packing the stone (the stone will be hauled with a tractor). we will…
Continue reading →: Friends of Trees Planting Event February 7th
There will be a tree planting event coordinated by Friends of Trees at the Delta on Saturday, February 7th. It’s always good to have regular users of the Delta involved so we hope you can participate. For more information, please click here for Friends of Trees and find the Sandy River…
Continue reading →: Please Consider an End of Year Deductible Donation
It’s Tax time, and you can help our volunteers The “Friends of the Sandy River Delta” is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of volunteers and users of the Delta working to keep the Delta usable clean, and safe for all users. We manage the dog-waste cans, pick up litter, and maintain the trails…
Continue reading →: Trail Restored from Wetlands Restoration Work
As users are already aware, a portion of the Meadow Trail looping to the Eastern section of the Delta has been detoured since August to accommodate a wetlands restoration project. The excavation and grading work intended to restore natural water incursion into this area is now complete, and the trail detour is…
Continue reading →: Friends of Trees Planting Event at the Delta – November 8th
Friends of Trees will be leading another tree planting event at the Delta this upcoming Saturday (November 8th) scheduled from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. They are anticipating the possibility of 100 volunteers so we will be parking those involved with the event near the corral to save room for…