Continue reading →: Volunteers Wanted at the Delta for Trail Work this Weekend (6/7 and 6/8)
Hi all, We are finally getting a delivery of stone on very short notice for some of the trail work we’ve been planning since early this year. We will be getting four loads to spread along the trail to the beach, to fill in along the Boundary Trail, and to…
Continue reading →: Transient Camp News
—- see bottom of post to report camp activity —- Many of you are aware of the work we’ve done in the early part of the year attempting to clean out transient camps along the Sandy. (see here, here, here, and here). By spring, we had cleared the remnants of…
Continue reading →: Suspicious Vehicle Seen in the Delta Parking Lot
One of our trash can crew was doing the rounds early Saturday morning at the Delta shortly after 6:00 AM, when he noticed an old chevy pickup roving the parking lot and occasionally parking near other vehicles. Returning to the lot after his rounds, he noticed the truck was in yet…
Continue reading →: Walt Morey Middle School Confluence Project Event
We were just given notice of a project at the Walt Morey Middle School in Troutdale that has ties to the Confluence Project. The project and event, Gifts of our Ancestors, is described by Carson Abbert, the school Art Teacher involved in the project as follows: “I’d like to…
Continue reading →: Restoration Activity for Next Two Years
The last few years at the Delta have brought lots of work, and lots of changes. Now that the Dam has been removed, and unfortunately with it, the loss of easy access to Sundial Island, the restoration activities will be concentrating on the main area of the Delta. Though the…
Continue reading →: Officer Elections and Meeting Agenda – May 29th
Per our bylaws as a non-profit organization, we are required to hold biennial elections for the offices of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. On May 29th, We will be holding a meeting to elect the Chair and Vice Chair office-holders for two year positions. For those interested in getting more…
Continue reading →: Trail Work done on May 12th
A belated post on some trail work we did a couple weeks back. We plan on getting more active on trail maintenance this summer, but we have a slight snag in that our source for 1/4 -minus stone has no current supply. Although we do expect to get more soon,…
Continue reading →: Herbicide Spraying at the Delta 4/21-4/25
Ash Creek Forestry, the contractor doing the restoration work at the Delta, will be spraying herbicide in the area near the Bird Blind during the week of 4/21 through 4/25 (weather permitting). If visiting the area, you may want to watch for signs, and / or the dyed application present…
Continue reading →: Report on the Latest Camp Cleanup Activity
As those who’ve seen our previous posts already know, we have an ongoing effort to clean up and reclaim the area along the East bank of Sandy River that has been plagued with transient camps. Strewn with trash and debris from years of these illegal camps, the area has understandably…
Continue reading →: May 10th Tree Planting w/ Friends of Trees and Sandy River Basin Watershed Council 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Come out to mulch trees, learn how to prune properly, and learn more about the impact of restoration on the Sandy Delta. Tours will be given to the former Delta Dam and Bird Blind. This event is in partnership with Friends of Trees, the Confluence Project, US Forest Service, Ash…