There has been a couple of reports lately of dogs becoming ill, possibly after visits to the Delta.  One diagnosed case of Giardia, and another of Elokomin Fluke Fever, or Salmon Fluke.

The dog with Fluke Fever is reported to have been lethargic, and feverish, and did not show other symptoms such as lymph gland swelling, or diarrhea which made diagnosis difficult.  The dog hadn’t eaten for 8 days and drank little.

Both dogs were watched carefully, and other than puddles, were not seen eating anything.

Be watchful of your dogs not only at the Delta, but elsewhere.  There has apparently been a large smelt run on the Sandy, which means a lot of easily ingested fish may be laying on the beaches.

Also, please be vigilant with your dog waste.  Use the provided bags, and deposit them in the waste cans located throughout the Delta.

For further information, visit the following links:


Salmon Fluke Disease:

Friends of the Sandy River Delta

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