Please Reserve these Stalls for Trailers



As the Delta becomes more and more popular, it is increasingly important to recognize the need for adequate trailer parking for our equestrian users.

Equestrians have been an integral part of making the Delta the destination it has become.  They have helped establish trails, provided equipment for trail work, and have been instrumental in hauling trash out of the transient camps along the Sandy.

Too often other visitors have been completely filling the designated trailer stalls leaving people coming out to ride horses unable to park, and sometimes unable to maneuver.

Parking non-trailer vehicles in these location is ticketable by law enforcement, and those needing the stalls can, if necessary, call to have this enforced.  Additionally, parking along the curb where No-Parking is indicated may be ticketed as well.

Please help us manage this by not parking in these areas, and ask others to be aware of where they are parking as well.


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