Hi Delta Users,
Many, if not most users of the Delta know that there have long been a series of camps along the Sandy river to the West of the 1000 Acres Road.
We’re slowly trying to bring some attention to these camps with the hopes that they will be addressed once and for all.
As a first step, we have flagged a route through the sandy channel paralleling the river. We intend to go in Saturday morning, and begin cleaning up some of the debris, and try to get one particularly bad abandoned site cleaned up.
If you would be interested in helping with this clean-up, or any future cleanups, please contact us through the contact link at the top of this page.
Saturday’s cleanup will be somewhat limited as we will probably not have a dumpster on-site (we will be using the trash bin in the parking lot), so we aren’t looking for more than a couple of additional volunteers at this point, but we’ll probably need more help in the future.
For safety reasons, we will not be out attempting to clear existing camps, and will not be attempting to clean up anything hazardous.
Again, if you’re interested in helping now, or on future dates, please contact us using the contact link on this page.
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