Camp evictions and sweeps are finally happening at the Delta, and we’ve been asked to help.
Multnomah Sheriffs, and Forest Service Law Enforcement are beginning to address the transient issue at the Delta. We’ve been asked to help with cleaning the trails while the camps are cleaned by inmate crews. (this is a big deal for us as we’ve put a lot of effort into cleaning camps over the winter, only to see them get repopulated, and being asked to participate is validation of our desire to be “in the loop”).
Lets Bring out the Volunteers
The inmate crews and law enforcement will be dealing with the camps for safety reasons. We will be doing a sweep of trails in the area along the river to pick up as much loose garbage as we can find. Though this won’t require too many people, the more we have to help, the more evident it will be that people are concerned, and the more traction we will have in keeping the issue in the forefront.
How you can help
Contact us here or click “contact” in the upper right of the screen if you can be available on Friday, July 18th. Bring gloves, and any tools you may have for picking up trash. We can supply garbage bags, and dumpsters will be on-site. Time, and where to meet will be updated below as details are firmed up.
Date: Friday, July 18th
Time: 12:00 PM
Where: Meet in parking lot by signboard.
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