We were just given notice of a project at the Walt Morey Middle School in Troutdale that has ties to the Confluence Project.

The project and event, Gifts of our Ancestors, is described by Carson Abbert, the school Art Teacher involved in the project as follows:


“I’d like to invite you to join us on Saturday. As part of our research with the Confluence Project’s Gifts from Our Ancestor’s grant/program students learned about the history of the Sandy River Delta. 85 art students went on a full-day field trip to April to make that history more meaningful and to experience Maya Lin’s bird blind.

My hope is that the uniqueness and excitement of my students’ Confluence Project work is recognized on a broader level throughout the community. I hope someone from your organization will join us on Saturday. I intend to continue teaching about the Sandy River Delta next year and beyond, and would love to create a partnership of some sort.

If you visit our website, http://www.reynolds.k12.or.us/morey/walt-morey-confluence-project-gifts-our-ancestors-news-may-24-2014-10am-11am , there is an image of the culminating project, a mural titled Confluence Project: River Stories. Please let me know, if you will be able to attend. Thank you.”



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