We were able to take advantage of the cool and cloudy day to spread the better part of the load of stone we’ve had delivered for trail work. We extended the sections of the Boundary Trail on either end of the turnpike section, and we spread a section of the Meadow Trail before running out of time and energy. We have another day we need to plan so we can finish the rest of the load (Meadow and Channel Trails), so watch here for a new date if you’re interested in helping.
For those who may wonder why we do this, recall that in the winters, many of the trails get muddy. We put down a narrow path of 1/4 – minus grade stone so we get a nicely rounded and firm trail that holds up through the muddy season and helps keep the trails from spreading too wide.
You can help set the trail by walking on the newly placed stone so that it compacts into place. (You can notice how well this works on the short trail to the beach done back in 2014!)
And here’s the usual pitch. All our trail work and trash can work is funded by donations from Delta users, and the work is done by volunteers. Please click the Donate button (or click here) if you would like to help cover the costs of our work, or contact us here if you are interested in volunteering.
(A Brief Note: We always appreciate and welcome Delta users to come by and chat but please be aware that we are often running a tractor (and though our dogs are along) we can’t keep an eye on everything. Please leash and/or guide your dog(s) through the area for safety. AND, if you dog has aggressive tendencies, PLEASE be extra watchful as one of our dogs was bit during this event.)
Volunteer dogs (and their people) working the Boundary Trail
Working North along the Boundary Trail
The work crew (except me)
The gratuitous photo of the authors dog!
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